May 2004
back and forth
It seems this one just doesn’t want to lie down. Salingaros posted a response to the criticism of his paper on Tschumi, and Brutal Joint followed it with a response to the response. City Comforts just filed a response to the response to the response. It went like this: Salingaros… Note that we are not …
Spark plug
Fellow LUG member Sparkes suggests that this site is for people interested in fun things or built things. Like someone who has difficulty with the letters F and T, you can’t say fairer than that.
Not so much an after life, more a sort of apres vie
Much to my embarrassment, I almost missed this. The book that taught me how to read and helped me develop my sense of humour has finally started to take shape as a movie. Filming has started for the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie and you can follow the latest news on the production …
Continue reading “Not so much an after life, more a sort of apres vie”
All clear
Lunch. Yesterday. Conspicuously, I sit in the shade on the north side of St.Phillips cathedral watching as the rest of the city basks in the sun. It makes sense to stay in the dark when you’re only a few hours away from picking up the biopsy results on a suspicious mole on your back. The …
Oops. The site (and my e-mail) was down for most of yesterday as I committed the cardinal sin of forgetting to renew my domain name. Luckily this isn’t a commercial venture with an address that people are queuing up to wrestle from my grip. It wasn’t claimed by another Annable. In my defence, I never …
Exurbia (aka Edge City, subSuburbia, sprawl, outta control, psychick death zones): that newly expanded, resurfaced and subsubcontracted housing areas that aren’t really near anything, except the highway. These are evidence of continued flight from the urban zones by the almost affluent. Requiring a car as they usually have no sidewalks, the exurban neighborhood is a …
drawing on the past
It’s been a busy week. There are a couple of entries waiting to be written, including one about the galleries I’ve been able to visit over the last few days. In the meantime, I’m posting an image instead of words. Predictably, looking at the art work of others has made me think about my own …
Being Frank
Oh dear. It’s not been too rosy for Mr Gehry lately. So far we’ve had snow falling on students head’s, clients employing other architects to fix bits they don’t like and a hockey trophy which … when Gehry pulled the covering off the trophy, it was like someone had tugged the burlap bag off the …
Dear AJ
It’s probably best if I leave my name off any planning applications at work for a while. The AJ published my response to the article they wrote the week before about Philip Singleton, the new head of Birmingham City Council’s urban design unit. Dear AJ, “University applications are up in both our universities and I …