The wonderful Rodeohead by Hard ‘n Phirm has made it all the way to John Peel on Radio 1.
It went like this: Sean points it out to Xeni over at I read it, and as a longstanding Radiohead fan, I follow the link and download it. I listen to it and I laugh. I laugh so hard that tears well in my eyes. I wipe them dry and when my sides stop aching I e-mail Mike Phirman from the band and thank him. Then I e-mail John Peel at the BBC and suggest he plays it on the radio.
I tell Mike about my e-mail and he says:
Right on! Thanks, Rob. We really appreciate that. Hopefully it will get all the way to the lads themselves!
Then John e-mails to say that he can’t play mp3s on air. Yesterday I sent him a copy on CDR. As I type this, to my absolute delight, John is playing it. Hard ‘n Phirm have got some much deserved UK air time and I got to send a message to John thanking him for teaching me about Half Man Half Biscuit a few years ago.
I think that’s called a win, win.