You might remember that I previously wrote an entry about the flash mob event in Birmingham that happened last summer, this year the meme seems to have evolved into something called mobile clubbing. There was dancing at Euston station on Friday night.

It looks like a pretty cathartic experience, I wish I’d been there. I’d expected someone to provide the music when I first heard about it, but from the looks of the pictures, everyone just moved to the beat of their own drum using headphones. This must have been an even more striking sight for the casual passer-by, as the dancers gyrated around the station to an implied rythym.

I’ve been talking to a friend earlier this week about the possibility of using an iTrip for broadcasting improptu sets at street parties, but somehow the thought of people dancing to different music instead of a single sound track is even more appealing.

The web site is and events are organised via a Yahoo group

image supplied by misternavid