So phooey to that!

Anish Kapoor: I loathe making anything practical whatsoever. The funny thing about art is that it’s useless. It doesn’t do anything. That’s very important, ha, ha!… …that’s your fantasy; that artists need to be dark and brooding…the artist as a romantic figure who is somewhat bohemian. Crap, crap, crap! I’m not bohemian; I’m terribly ordinary. …

so it goes

salvaged from my photo archive after reading about BSAG’s musings on the most metaphysically slippery of all abstract systems – time.

non attachment

posted by Swarm in a discussion. Detached and unattached imply that one is disconnected, not a part of, disengaged or uncommitted. Enlightenment comes through a process of paying attention, deep commitment and insight into our interconnectedness. Non attachment is not clinging to the passage of emotions (or whatever) as it arises and then falls …

I heart wikis

For one reason or another I find myself in the middle of four1 different books at once. It’s causing a bit of a log jam and I’m not really progressing any of them very well. Last night while I was noodling about with my wiki I decided that I should do something to encourage myself …

down to two has an entry called Boiling a zoning code down to the basics, which links to an encouraging article about a Canadian design code that contains only two key items – building height and distance from pavement.