Eek. More coincidental links this morning – I just found a review of a new book about the history of camouflage and its impact on fashion, DPM: Disruptive Pattern Material.
DPM includes a comprehensive guide to the camouflage patterns issued to soldiers of 107 nations around the world and, for the first time in print, thoroughly documents the rise of camouflage outside the armed forces – its use by anti-war protestors in the 1960s, further exploration by modern artists, and reinvention within areas such as fashion, architecture, music, film and sport…Rescuing camouflage from its unhappy associations with war and conflict, this book emphasizes its natural and artistic beauty. Here is the indispensable modern reference guide for both the novice and the seasoned camoufleur.
Camoufleur. What a fantatastic word.
It includes an examination of Foreign Office Architects’ experiments with pattern on the surface of its 1992 Virtual House.
If the realisation of the possible is a matter of interpretation, or re-description of a given set of identities or organisations, the actualisation of the virtual can never operate by resemblance, and therefore it requires from tools that will allow us to see -and therefore to imagine, to conceptualise- what we have never seen before.
Also, if you enjoyed the Apple iProduct link in last night’s linklog, you might find more things to laugh at in a book called The Cult of the Mac by Leander Kahney. There’s a blog to go with it – Wired Blogs:The Cult of the Mac.