On the arrogance of architects (from the comments on an article entitled ‘Why architects give me the willies’):
I’m a graphic designer at an architecture firm, and am currently setting up a new business-card template to send to the printer. The templates had been designed to accommodate long, hyphenated last names as well as multiple professional accreditation initials.
After entering in all 100+ names into the forms, one person’s name did not fit.
This person used their full first name—not unusual—but then also their full middle name, whereas most chose to forego even a middle initial. And then, this person wanted “Associate AIA” after his name, which I suppose is OK, but it’s sort of like putting “almost AIA” after your name. (“Associate AIA” means you have an architectural degree and are paying dues but haven’t yet passed the certification exam.)
So, in the interest of trying to get all the information to fit, I asked if he wouldn’t mind either using just an initial, or else maybe getting rid of “Associate AIA.”
He declined to omit any information, explaining that “It’s not ‘Frank L. Wright.’ ”
(posted by salvomania)
Found via a mammoth piece of wrinking over at thingsmagazine.net.