A few weeks ago I was taken to task by my friend Matthew over my enthusiasm for Walsall Art Gallery. I mounted a defence and then we agreed to let the building have the final say and pay it a visit together. I don’t expect to have to say anything further.

By way of preperation, here’s a few images I took last week. In my previous entry I suggested that one of its qualities was that it was dark where it should be dark and light where it should be light. A simple critique but important nonetheless. How often have felt a building pro-actively working with darkness? Not very often I suspect.

Here’s some proof – the journey to the temporary exhibition space on the top floor:

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Pick a date, Matthew.

Upon arrival at the top floor, having followed the light up the douglas fir lined staircases you’ll find (if you visit now) a carefully crafted installation by Hew Locke.

link: [full flickr set including Locke installation]