secret history

Stuart has run his leg of the race. He highlights the wonderful Secret History by Donna Tartt. Had there been 6 books on my list, this would have been in there too.

death of a drawing board

We cast another drawing board onto the scrap heap today, there is only one left in our office now. This one belonged to Tony, our oldest architect, and was probably at least 50 years old. All that remains of it is this scan of the bottom right hand corner. How times change. Here’s Tony’s response …

Book Baton

I’ve been passed a blogging baton. It used to be about music, then Matt Webb decided to let it evolve into a discussion about books. He passed it to Peter Lindberg and now it has come to rest in my ever expanding list of things to do. I’m not usually a big fan of inter-blog …

MADA s.p.a.m

I made a dash across town during my lunch break last week and paid a visit to the Custard Factory in Digbeth. There was an exhibition of work by Chinese architect Ma Qingyun (office name: MADA s.p.a.m – strategy, planning, architecture, media) and it gave me an excuse to have lunch with my friend and …

lost and found

18 KIsNationalMuseum,1977, cou Tidying the office, looking for a missing drawing, found this photocopy of a book with the annotation just off the edge of the page…my boss can’t remember the name of the architect, any takers? Beautiful, isn’t it?


The project has won first prize at an awards ceremony. Perhaps I should ask for a cut of the winnings.

ISO 216

The ISO paper size concept In the ISO paper size system, the height-to-width ratio of all pages is the square root of two (1.4142 : 1). In other words, the width and the height of a page relate to each other like the side and the diagonal of a square. This aspect ratio is especially …

to See and to Be

Life is a wonderful business, though fools blow up London tube stations and sell each other crap and waste time with gossip about movie stars. If you can draw, you will always have a place to go that is beautiful and honest and true. As you sit in an airport you will find pleasure in …


Grafedia is hyperlinked text, written by hand onto physical surfaces and linking to rich media content – images, video, sound files, and so forth. It can be written anywhere – on walls, in the streets, or on sidewalks. Grafedia can also be written in letters or postcards, on the body as tattoos, or anywhere you …