From the top:
- Seneca: On the Shortness of Life
- Deleuze and Guattari: A Thousand Plateaus
- Giedion: Architecture, You and Me
- Pevsner Architecture Guide: Birmingham
- Iain Banks: The Algebraist
- Dostoyevsky: Notes from the Underground and The Double
- Sven Lindqvist: A History of Bombing
- Kevin MacNeil: The Stornaway Way
- Italo Calvino: The Castle of Crossed Destinies
- Primo Levi: If This Is A Man – The Truce
Comments and advice welcomed.
a. Thanks to Matt for reminding that I really must get around to reading ‘A Thousand Plateaus’. Approaching it here in 2006 feels a little like stumbling into a party late, hoping that my timing might be seen as fashionable, then realising that actually it’s just rude not to be punctual.
b. Thanks to Rod for pointing me to ‘A History of Bombing’.
c. Thanks to Peter for reminding me about ‘The Castle of Crossed Destinies’.
d. Thanks to Matthew for buying me ‘The Algebraist’ for my birthday last year (it’s half finished – I’m getting there Matthew!)
Related entries:
1. last year’s list (which is admittedly still unfinished and some need to be added to the above)
2. the book baton
3. the whole book category