Yak Yak Yak

I’ve been trying to get back into the habit of doing competitions. Here’s our* entry to the first brief for the Line of Site competiton. If you’re interested in the McLarenesque ‘how we work’ story you can see the project notes and evolution on the Backpack page I used: Everest Base Camp. There’s a Sketchup …

today’s del.icio.us links

Librarians’ Internet Index ‘…Every Thursday morning we send out our free newsletter, New This Week, which features dozens of high-quality websites carefully selected, described, and organized by our team of librarians…’ Search engine with qualitative filters. (taken from my del.icio.us. linklog, broadcast using deloxom)

base camp

I need some help. Does anybody know anybody who has been to the Mount Everest base camp? I need to know about prevailing winds or indeed whether there is such a thing in that climate/topography.


Buildings that rock: Architectural nightmare no. 666 I’m trapped in a building by Satriani. It’s suffocating and claustrophobic with nowhere to stand back and view the spaces. If there were you’d realise there are no spaces to view. An architecture whose rhythm is drowned out by the relentless onslaught of over-hand tapped out details on …

today’s del.icio.us links

1000 things made from bamboo link to building category – search for bamboo phone before you leave OneWebDay ‘…Celebrate the health and diversity of the internet. The mission of OneWebDay is to create, maintain, advance, and promote a global day to celebrate online life: September 22, 2006…’ This is Availabot (Schulze & Webb) ‘…Availabot plugs …

today’s del.icio.us links

Brickonomics ‘…A rogue housing researcher explores the hidden side of the blindingly obvious…’ A recent addition to my rss reader, racking up a stack of great entries on the housing industry. Essential subscription if you’re in the field. (taken from my del.icio.us. linklog, broadcast using deloxom)

ArchWeekWalk ArchWeekAnecdotes

Following on from the podcast to cover your journey to Birmingham, here’s an annotated walk to the office for tomorrow’s ‘Open Practice’ day. Either follow it by walking the streets or be lazy and download a copy of Google Earth then use it to open this file: rob.annable.co.uk/docs/Birmingham-ArchWeekWalk.kmz Alternatively, add a ‘network link’ to the …

today’s del.icio.us links

Dana Gordon: NOTE TO SELF ‘…Note to Self by Dana Gordon is a collection of objects for daily use. They invite us to focus on ourselves, without isolating us from our environment…’ (via WMMNA) (taken from my del.icio.us. linklog, broadcast using deloxom)


So I think one reason why [I love being an architect] – leaving aside other obvious reasons[*] – is to do with this see-saw balancing act; when the fragile beauty of [my ideas] can be denied so effortlessly by the combination of chance, improvisation, circumstance and irrational passion. It’s the call-and-response tension between these forces …


no, 2 self podcast episode 1: Charles Jencks and Ralph Erskine – Participatory Politics and Organic Design (mp3 file – 17Mb). It was only a matter of time before I got seduced by the idea of doing a podcast. This will hopefully be a two part program (if I manage to finish part 2 next …