Making Urban Places

Once again I am but the outlet for the work of others. Here’s another installation in the series of lecture notes belonging to my colleagues at the office (we’re architects in birmingham, in case you hadn’t already heard*). I can announce today that I may have finally persuaded aforementioned colleague to officially release further work …

architects in birmingham

I work at Axis Design Collective and we are architects in Birmingham. Ignore me, normal service will resume shortly. This post exists only to provide myself some Google juice. Alternatively, if you’re feeling extremely generous, find a way to use the phrase architects in Birmingham on your blog and link my other site. After all, …


Flickrmap have just announced version 2 of their photo/map mash up service. They’ve improved the Google Earth network connection that you use to tag photos with GPS and also introduced a Google map rendered option as well as their own stylised version. Here’s mine: (which, of course, doesn’t appear in the RSS feed) And I’ve …