
Note to self: remember to check for online version before typing out yourself – Guardian Unlimited: Into the deep.


A couple of quotes from an interview with Anish Kapoor in Saturday’s Grauniad; posted here partly as a further addition to past Kapoor entries and partly because interviews with artists who laugh a lot are so bloody rare. On new, inverted, dark space: Well, says the interviewer Simon Hattenstone, everything you paint or make seems …

Euroclad commendation

Here’s a fitting to end to my last collaboration with Tony: Dear Rob and Tony I’m very pleased to inform you that you have been awarded a commendation in the 2006 Euroclad Drawing Competition, organised in conjunction with Architecture Today and judged by Piers Gough and Sadie Morgan. There will be a prizewinners’ lunch in …


Help! A few weeks ago I saw a link on somebody’s data shadow/stream/fog about a study on the way wealth is situated in urban environments. It refuted the well understood ‘wedge’ model and demonstrated a ‘doughnut’ form around cities in the US. Was it you who linked it up? I can’t remember. Help me out …


Another couple of quotes I want to etch onto this entry for future reference… Firstly, another paragraph from the same entry by PartIV: Alain de Botton is given short thrift by the architecture establishment, seemingly because he has the audacity to meddle in their affairs, of which, they assume, he can know nothing. He is …

developing links

Another good write-up on the biennale over at Developing News: David at the Venice Biennale.

Muppets only

The above link was wonky. Now fixed thanks to comments from Norman, who also points out that the AJ appear to have experimented with the possibility of a blogspot account but have yet to post any entries to it: ajastragal.blogspot.com.

A de B and OMA

Part IV returns from Venice with some well written reviews of the biennale: King Rem laid into Alain a little. I felt as though I were witnessing the start of a fox hunt. I think Rem’s deluded when he states that “all architects have good intentions”, but his real frustration with dilettantes such as Alain …

Members only

The AJ launches a blog. Astragal starts blogging For the first time in the 111-year history of the AJ, the magazine’s most famous contributor has gone virtual. Indeed, in a move that will astonish some of his longest serving readers, Astragal has started his very own blog. Some of the highlights of his first effort …