Thursday hyperlinked:
Listened to podcast called Photography 2.0 – disappointingly but predictably flickr-centric – would have appreciated some recognition of the work that’s been done over the years by (even back in the day when flickr was still spelt with an e) to further the discussion about citizen journalism – especially as I flagged it in the comments and they discussed the impact of the London bombings – some great arguments however from Fred Ritchin about quality over quantity and the predominance of the self in the million images a day being uploaded to flickr – attended Housing Forum conference – heard Regional Director talk about how we need to deliver 30% more housing with only 15% more cash – if we move any faster I’m seriously worried about quality being stuffed by quantity – look closely if you buy a new house in the UK over the next few years – also heard Left Bank Two by Wayne Hill which took us all back to Take Hart – impossible to remember Tony without Morph – arrived back at my desk to find a mailshot in my inbox from the London Architecture Diary pointing me to a furniture company called Morph – they sell recycled and restored furniture – site chokes in firefox though – find a link in Alfie’s blog in my blogline subscriptions to the latest collaboration – live photos from the invasion of Didcot power station by Greenpeace – still delivering citizen journalism.