Hello 2007. Hello new blog address: no2self.net
When you have a blog that’s named so as to remind you not write posts that are too self centred, using your own name as the URL is a little daft.
After 3 years I finally got round to re-launching under a proper address. The RSS feed will continue to be the feedburner address (feeds.feedburner.com/no2self) so it should be a seamless transition for most, but please check your subscription as anyone who came along some time ago may still be running on a previous address.
I shall also be swimming with the tide of conformity and switching to WordPress. Blosxom has served me very well – with just the right amount of geekery involved in keeping it trim and the basic txt file format to avoid locked in content – but the comments options and spam has always been a problem. People who know much more about this than me tell me that WordPress 2 does a great job with preventing spam. That’s good enough for me.
A huge thank you is owed to Brett O’Connor who has very generously put up with me nagging him over the last few years for help to keep the del.icio.us linklog script running. With perfect timing he’s just this minute e-mailed me with the latest version. I’ll be continuing to use it for behind-the-scenes blosxom blogs I use.
Can anybody recommend a good del.icio.us daily log plugin for WordPress?
Layout at the new blog is currently based on the One Column theme but I imagine I’ll be tweaking it over the coming weeks. Underneath the main content is the latest trail left by my data shadow, with various highlights from the other key sites I use. All the usual suspects.
So, farewell rob.annable.co.uk, we’re all off to no2self.net.