Some more entries chosen from the archives. Influential ideas from people and pages…
- Enthusiasm for tomorrow (RIP Tony Goodall)
- Memorial speech for my friend and mentor
- Concrete Ideas (Denys Lasdun)
- Chairs and the architects that sat in them
- Letters on meditation (Matt Webb)
- Learning how to let go
- Wayne Jacobs (Wayne Hemingway)
- Letter to the AJ about Wayne Hemingway lecture
- Death of a Drawing Board (Tony Goodall)
- Accepting the fate of the parallel motion
- 1977 AD (RIP Ralph Erskine)
- Scan from 70s magazine
- 3 part entry on OMA lecture (Ole Scheeren)
- Thoughts of presentation about CCTV
- John Tulsa interviews Edmund de Waal
- Highlights from fascinating interview with potter
- Cueva Man (Tom Booker)
- Cave renovation in south-east Spain
- Lesson of movement (Oscar Naddermier)
- Notes from my year 1 history class
- Terrible Architect (Joe Satriani)
- There’s no space, man
- Book Baton
- The only useful blog meme in history
- Chambers for a Memory Palace
- Charles Moore and Donlyn Lyndon
- Waking up to Nemo
- The web works – finding out about Windsor McCay from fellow bloggers
- What is Architecture?
- Review of book by Paul Shepheard
- Time and the Hunter
- Joint review with Peter at
- How to look at buildings
- Thoughts from the wonderfully named, Darcy Bradell