Two recent comments worth bringing to the front page:

First, a couple of links to recent articles.


I’m writing to point out to you two articles from the February issue of Artforum now online. One offers Yale art historian Sean Keller’s take on the renovations of Mies’s Crown Hall at IIT and Louis Kahn’s Yale University Art Gallery. The other is artist Josiah McElheny’s musings on architect Josef Hoffmann’s interiors, timed to coincide with an exhibition at New York’s Neue Galerie.

I would be flattered if you’d consider linking to either article (or both).

The February Artforum Table of Contents:
Keller’s article:
McElheny’s article:

All three links are to their permanently-accessible URLs. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Best wishes,

Next, more news on the Human League album cover graphics from Jack at

Ah, that’s why they’re familiar! I’d have to dig through a ton of boxes to check, but I seem to remember Pritt Stick-ing a photocopy of that particular dancing couple onto the cover of the master copy of a fanzine about 12 years ago.

It’s a single, rather than an album, though, and there’s two versions of the sleeve – the original 1978 issue on Fast has more architectural illustrations on the back, along with lyrics, the 1982 Virgin/EMI just has the songs listed on the back. (I know this because I really want a first pressing 1978 copy, the one in mono with black and white labels, but only have a French 1982 reissue, ‘produit et realisé par The Human League’. Sad, eh?)