I heart wikis

For one reason or another I find myself in the middle of four1 different books at once. It’s causing a bit of a log jam and I’m not really progressing any of them very well. Last night while I was noodling about with my wiki I decided that I should do something to encourage myself …

It will find you brooding

One of the problems/benefits of being who I am and doing what I do is that it effects the way I think about everything. Every space turns into a floor plan in my mind and every city becomes a scale model to pick up and turn over in my hands. I dream in exploded axonometric …

Rationalist Annual

I bought this a few years ago and then promptly forgot about it until this evening when I walked past my book shelf. I turned to the essay with the most promising title – Aesthetic Experience and the Problem of Evil by Margaret Knight – and found this: The basic principle of ethics states that …

Vonnegut and Dostoevsky

If the Hitch Hiker’s Guide taught me how to read, then Slaughterhouse 5 taught me what to read. In it one of the characters says, Everything you need to know about life can be found in The Brothers Karamazov; I tried it, he was right. Vonnegut’s interest in Dostoevsky still shows itself in a recent …

Bath Street books

Treat this post as an advert. Yesterday I returned, for the first time in years, to a bookshop on Bath Street in Wolverhampton (in between the brewery and West Park). In the space of a few minutes I found three great books, purchased two and (being £1 short) had the third saved for me until …

toss your salad

I’m missing my daily reading slot now that I’ve started driving to work instead of taking the tram. However, Radio 4 is providing an adequate substitute as I drive along the M6 hoping not to get stuck in a jam. This week’s Start the Week program had some fascinating guests on it. Two of which …