data landscape

Question answered: cityofsound says: It was a conversation between Matt Jones and I, wherein he sketched out his idea (using your notebook it would seem) about a kind of perspectival layered data landscape, building up from Dopplr and related web services – in the manner of the classic New Yorker cover on ‘the x view …

crossing streams

Some work on a lecture I recently gave about Secured by Design (more on that coming up) produced a spin-off diagram worth sharing. Unashamedly following the Indexed model (what’s the formal name for this diagram type?), it pitches three elements of urban design (accommodation, people, transport) against each other and marks intersections, inputs and outputs. …

Architecture re-housed: Part 1

A break from the standard blogging currency of comment, criticism, conjecture and pointing elsewhere … here’s a series of entries about one of my own projects and how it’s been confirming my growing concern about my generation’s appreciation (or rather, lack thereof) of the history of housing design: Part 1: to a degree In November …

Reminisce – sketches and photos

Two favourites from the sketches category – one about recording an image, the other about recording the action. Sketches Meat Pei Quick one off the wrist And a few choices from the photography section, which I realise now speak volumes about my attitude towards good photography – it has nothing to do with the quality …

meat pei

You may already know, from things I’ve said in the past, that as a rule, I tend to get excited by process. The cause rather than effect. So, as a rule, I’m not a big fan of rules of form that prejudice the final effect before you’ve fully understood the cause. Rules can be broken. …


eversion posted a photo: (link) [sketchmore – eversion’s Tagged Photos]


eversion posted a photo: (link) [sketchmore – eversion’s Tagged Photos]

blind contour friday

Stuck in a terrible traffic jam on the motorway on Friday, I was travelling so slow I could reach for my pen and try my first submission for blind contour Friday run by Inkfinger. I think I need some practice.

train to cardiff

On the way to a U2 gig on Wednesday. Reading G2. Notes dump on the reverse as future reminder – book to add to wish list and details of a phonecam competition.

Here and There

From the introduction to Townscape by Gordon Cullen: One building standing alone in the countryside is experienced as a work of architecture, but bring half a dozen buildings together and an art other than architecture is made possible. Several things begin to happen in the group which would be impossible for the isolated building. We …