blogging and web rev B

A couple of announcements: blogging My hope of getting back in the blogging saddle has resulted in agreeing to try the occasional entry for and their new housing blog. I’ve kicked off by relying on some fairly classic texts for comfort and expanded on what began as a twitter message musing on the value …

second city

Just received by e-mail, news of a new lecture series here in Birmingham: Sadly, I can’t do Tuesday evenings. Who’s going to go on my behalf and blog about it?

For the last few months I’ve been working on a project to refurbish 6 terrace properties in Newcastle-Under-Lyme. We won the project after a competitive bid last summer and today sees the launch of the public web site charting the progress of the work. As you might expect, I’ll be recording the project on the …

theory about practice

Rod, knowing I’ve finally started reading Thousand Plateaus, flicks his wrist and points me towards the sweetest spot of the latest BLDGBLOG interview with Mark Wigley. It’s too good not to repeat at length here: BLDGBLOG: There also seems to be a huge reliance today on extra-architectural theory, like Gilles Deleuze. But if students …

formal autonomy

A worthy addition to your RSS list: Carefully crafted thoughts formalized by the act of writing for an audience. Exactly the justification for blogging that I was explaining to my students last week. A quote from the latest entry: The forms of the Industriosphere have not pulled themselves into being, they have been put …

passing comment

Two recent comments worth bringing to the front page: First, a couple of links to recent articles. Hello, I’m writing to point out to you two articles from the February issue of Artforum now online. One offers Yale art historian Sean Keller’s take on the renovations of Mies’s Crown Hall at IIT and Louis …

Reminisce – people and books

Some more entries chosen from the archives. Influential ideas from people and pages… People Enthusiasm for tomorrow (RIP Tony Goodall) Memorial speech for my friend and mentor Concrete Ideas (Denys Lasdun) Chairs and the architects that sat in them Letters on meditation (Matt Webb) Learning how to let go Wayne Jacobs (Wayne Hemingway) Letter to …

Reminisce – sketches and photos

Two favourites from the sketches category – one about recording an image, the other about recording the action. Sketches Meat Pei Quick one off the wrist And a few choices from the photography section, which I realise now speak volumes about my attitude towards good photography – it has nothing to do with the quality …