Notes from ‘Structural Fabulation: An essay on fiction of the future’

It would be great to find more examples of keynote speeches given in my profession that even came close to the care, rigour, sense of shared responsibility and warmth for fellow thinkers and practitioners as that found in Bethany Nowviskie’s talk on Digital Humanities in the Anthropocene. I suspect I’ll be digging around at the …

The avoidance of doing architecture

The Philosophers Magazine interviewing Nigel Warburton of Philosophy Bites podcast – with a minor adjustment in bold by me: “A lot of professional philosophers architects lack the imagination required to think about what it’s like not to understand something. Some have got into a complacent habit of speaking to each other in a kind of …

Institutionalised in the Black Maria

Notes made on the 22:30 from Euston to Birmingham, whilst returning home to the provinces after treating myself to an evening of presentations and discussion with Dan Hill, Jeremy Till and Wouter Vanstiphout under the title Institutionalised… Housed in the Black Maria installation at St Martin’s by Richard Wentworth/GRUPPE we were split into eager registrants …

Forms that add distance

Blogging dogged eared thoughts – some loose, coincidental noticings that deserve recording… I’m looking forward to seeing some of Hadid’s work further iterated in the future by the algorithms delivering Google Earth’s Universal Texture. It’ll feel like an event horizon in which Parametricism Will Eat Itself. Better yet, if the pirate copy in China gets …

New Year resolution

Some threads worth tying together…. recently covered the plight of MVRDV, who appear to have unwittingly (?) upset a lot of people (again) by designing a pair of towers complete with their own explosion of structure billowing out from their mid rift. Things magazine cuts through the possible conceptual justifications by suggesting Minecraft as the …

Healthy neighbourhoods

When planning a neighbourhood, the optimum distance from residential accommodation to nearby retail outlets is achieved by calculating the amount of time it takes to consume an ice cream whilst walking and ensuring sufficient distance is provided to complete the task and conceal the wrapper/stick; thus supporting the promotion of healthy living by allowing parents …

blogging and web rev B

A couple of announcements: blogging My hope of getting back in the blogging saddle has resulted in agreeing to try the occasional entry for and their new housing blog. I’ve kicked off by relying on some fairly classic texts for comfort and expanded on what began as a twitter message musing on the value …

Pool of poetics

Some interesting stuff to be found in this Bachelard inspired flickr pool: Poetics of Space